After having Plone CMS‘s Plone Developer Documentation (collective.developermanual project) hosted on Github a year or so how do we fare?
- Sphinx based documentation is now hosted on Github
- The documentation is open-for-all editable through Github inline text editor (ACE)
- The documentation is deployed on
- We have edit backlinks in the documentation and try to encourage contributions
1. Some stats
- 45 contributors
- At least one commit per week
- The most popular of Plone community repositories (plone + collective). Plone community has more than 400 repositories on Github alone.
Six month progress – no clear visitor growth 🙁 (background: Plone does not compete with WordPress et. al. as it mainly solves “big intranet” problems which are not that common)
People don’t work during weekends.
Google, and bring us the visitors.
Troubleshooting is pretty popular with Plone… 🙁
Plone is utterly popular in Brazil.
Long live Firefox. As a side-note Alexander Limi, the guy who did the original praised design of Plone UI, does Firefox UI design nowadays.
We must be attracting a lot of non-Plone developers, because everyone knows Plone developers run OSX or Linux… and who confesses to be this FreeBSD guy?
2. Lessons learnt
- Plone, Zope and buildout should give better error messages so people would not need to visit troubleshooting sections
- Better Hello world tutorials still needed (this is not based on analytics, but the sad state of the authors…)
- and continuous documentation deployment (is there official term akin continuous integration) kicks ass – you can forget the documentation release process, because it is so automatic and just works
- Edit backlinks in the documentation have proven to be succesful. When you are reading the documentation you can fix the errors in the matter of seconds. Github’s web editor gives wiki-like pace.
- Github’s fork and edit even better than wiki as non-core editors will generate pull requests and you have a tool and a process to manage those changes
Ps. Also read this interesting reddit thread about history of Plone, Zope and Python
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