I am running for a speaker seat in Plone Conference 2010. As a strategy to gain this glamored position I have submitted several topics which might interest you.
- Backpacking with Plone: how our team has redefined North Lapland travel industry with Plone sites. I promise to bring a genuine Lapland snowball with me and toss it to the first person asking a question.
- Mad about mobile: How to turn your Plone web site to a mobile site in 15 minutes (* the actual time varies on the status of PyPi and buildouting speed). If you can’t afford iPhone 4 yet, I promise the site will be 100% functional on a 40$ budget phones also.
- Culture of good documentation: Plone is hated because newcomers cannot grasp how to customize it. I belive this is an attitude problem, not with the newcomers, but with module authors. This manual is now 86k words. If we can make it to go up to 100k words in the conference I’ll buy a beer everyone who participates the effort.
- The world outside Plone: Why there exist 13 600 000 Joomla! sites, but 20 000 Plone sites? Why single Joomla! freelancer-entrepreneur can make 250k€ a year alone? How we could make Plone more succesfully by learning what others are doing? Our team has some cross-system experience and we want to give you the best bits what others are doing right (and Plone might be doing wrong).
Vote here in the case you missed the link above.
Ps. If I am too boring I promise I will do only PHP/Joomla! jobs in the future, so vote me now or I will forever hold my peace :<
because Plone community has had problems with the attitude
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Where on earth did you get the idea from that there only are 20.000 Plone sites? That is much more than an order of magnitude less than other estimates.
Not that there isn’t a lot to learn from (lots of) other open-source projects (even PHP), but I voted for the mobile talk, because the stuff you’ve done with gomombile is really, really awesome!
It’s like all others numbers… with a dice 🙂
…and I assumed someone would report the correct number 🙂
And since this number is difficult to estimate, the number of community members would do as well (registered plone.org users).
Might as well state that there are 1 billion Plone sites then.
Hi Roel,
I still feel I got the order of magnitude between Plone and Joomla! installations correct.
I’d think a decent estimate would be 500.000 + Plone sites. That still leaves Joomla at twenty times the number of deployments. — which is a fair assumption.
Joomla is a weird thing to compare Plone with, though — as it is a CMS for lightweight sites. It is only reasonable to assume there are many more lightweight ones for each complex deployment.
I don’t think the Plone community sees it as a loss that there are more Joomla sites. They are not that comparable. It is much more of an issue for us that the number of Sharepoint deployments are growing.