This post is a RequireJS tutorial and targeted for front-end developers who need to maintain Javascript codebases of a few or more files. By using RequireJS for client-side Javascript modules, dependencies and minification one can have an easy-to-maintan project and struggle less with everyday Javascript development tasks like debugging and deployment.
The slides and tutorial were originally presented in HelsinkiJS June 2012 meet-up.
The example application code and the slides, in the case you find evil, are available on Github public repository.
View more presentations from Mikko Ohtamaa.
1. Transcript
- Efficient Beautiful Maintainable ModularJavascript Codebase with RequireJS – HelsinkiJS 2012 June Mikko Ohtamaa
- 2. Bio Mikko Ohtamaa moo9000 @ Twitter
- 3. Audience
- 4. Grab the example code
- 5. Javascript module systems
- 6. RequireJS
- 7. Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)
- 8. Y U Require JS?
- 9. Benefit #1: Moremaintainable code base
- 10. Benefit #2: parallel loading of non- interdependent modules
- 11. Benefit #3: automatic, more optimized, minification
- 12. Benefit #4: avoiding globals
- 13. Using RequireJS
- 14. Basic JS development challenges
- 15. Example codebase
- 16. Defining a module
- 17. moo.jsmooficator.js
- 18. Configuring RequireJS
- 19. main.js
- 20. HTML file is now clean
- 21. index.html
- 22. RequireJS limitations
- 23. DeploymentLet’s get the party started
- 24. r.js – the optimizer
- 25. The Magic define() and require() functions
- 26. No HTML changes on production needed!
- 27. Makefile
- 28. Bundled
- 29. Thank You
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