Enter the mobile world with Plone! Go mobile for Plone add-on is now “feature complete” and we are preparing a release.
For Easter holidays we bring you a trunk release instructions. Note: you might want to change checkout protocol from “https” to “http” in the buildout cfg. The most able and most inpatient might want to test this now when it is hot.
There exists three production site where you can see the product in action
- http://mfabrik.com (try with your web browser and phone and experience the joy of automatic mobile browser detection)
- http://saariselka.com and http://northvillage.mobi
- http://plonecommunity.mobi
See the feature set which will beat crap out of other mobile CMSs.
What’s missing for the real release is
- packaging it as a eggs
- making microsite
- clean up documentation (YES. It has documentation since day 0)
It has not been tested on Plone 4.
Thanks Karl Horak for bringing up the issue.
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