Below is a simple Python script for exporting data from Plone CMS as JSON.
Use cases
- Migrating to other CMSs
- Downloading data dumps to play with
- Making content items available to be played around within Javascript
The script handles
- Nested folders
- Binary data
- Can be executed from the command-line or from a web browser
- Much simpler and lightweight anything involving collective.transmogrify tool. Time to write this script was around 1,5 hours.
The script is also on See the orignal blog post for syntax highlighting. Use with love and care or with booz and whiskey.
""" Export folder contents as JSON. Can be run as a browser view or command line script. """ import os import base64 try: import json except ImportError: # Python 2.54 / Plone 3.3 use simplejson # version > 2.3 < 3.0 import simplejson as json from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IFolderish from DateTime import DateTime #: Private attributes we add to the export list EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES = ["portal_type", "id"] #: Do we dump out binary data... default we do, but can be controlled with env var EXPORT_BINARY = os.getenv("EXPORT_BINARY", None) if EXPORT_BINARY: EXPORT_BINARY = EXPORT_BINARY == "true" else: EXPORT_BINARY = True class ExportFolderAsJSON(BrowserView): """ Exports the current context folder Archetypes as JSON. Returns downloadable JSON from the data. """ def convert(self, value): """ Convert value to more JSON friendly format. """ if isinstance(value, DateTime): # Zope DateTime # return value.ISO8601() elif hasattr(value, "isBinary") and value.isBinary(): if not EXPORT_BINARY: return None # Archetypes FileField and ImageField payloads # are binary as OFS.Image.File object data = getattr(, "data", None) if not data: return None return base64.b64encode(data) else: # Passthrough return value def grabArchetypesData(self, obj): """ Export Archetypes schemad data as dictionary object. Binary fields are encoded as BASE64. """ data = {} for field in obj.Schema().fields(): name = field.getName() value = field.getRaw(obj) print "%s" % (value.__class__) data[name] = self.convert(value) return data def grabAttributes(self, obj): data = {} for key in EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES: data[key] = self.convert(getattr(obj, key, None)) return data def export(self, folder, recursive=False): """ Export content items. Possible to do recursively nesting into the children. :return: list of dictionaries """ array = [] for obj in folder.listFolderContents(): data = self.grabArchetypesData(obj) data.update(self.grabAttributes(obj)) if recursive: if IFolderish.providedBy(obj): data["children"] = self.export(obj, True) array.append(data) return array def __call__(self): """ """ folder = self.context.aq_inner data = self.export(folder) pretty = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=' ') self.request.response.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json") return pretty def spoof_request(app): """ """ from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager from AccessControl.SecurityManager import setSecurityPolicy from import PermissiveSecurityPolicy, OmnipotentUser _policy = PermissiveSecurityPolicy() setSecurityPolicy(_policy) newSecurityManager(None, OmnipotentUser().__of__(app.acl_users)) return app def run_export_as_script(path): """ Command line helper function. Using from the command line:: bin/instance script yoursiteid/path/to/folder If you have a lot of binary data (images) you probably want bin/instance script yoursiteid/path/to/folder > yourdata.json ... to prevent your terminal being flooded with base64. Or just pure data, no binary:: EXPORT_BINARY=false bin/instance run yoursiteid/path/to/folder :param path: Full ZODB path to the folder """ global app secure_aware_app = spoof_request(app) folder = secure_aware_app.unrestrictedTraverse(path) view = ExportFolderAsJSON(folder, None) data = view.export(folder, recursive=True) # Pretty pony is prettttyyyyy pretty = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=' ') print pretty # Detect if run as a bin/instance run script if "app" in globals(): run_export_as_script(sys.argv[1])
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How do I use this script. I’m a PHP dev and have no Python experience at all!
Hi Liam,
To introduce yourself to Plone and Python development I suggest study the following resources
Thanks for this Mikko, very useful!
Two things in passing:
1. I needed to change “indent=’ ‘” to “indent=4” in the call to “json.dumps(..)” to get it working for me on Plone 4.2.4/Python 2.7.1 (otherwise I get “TypeError: can’t multiply sequence by non-int of type ‘str'”)
2. If one iterates over “Schema().viewableFields(obj)” rather than “Schema().fields()” the view permission on the field is checked for the user invoking this. That might be useful for people who want to expose a JSON view to regular users based on this.
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