Now when ICANN has freed the top level domain names for the allocation I hope we could register .py and .js domains for the open source framework uses. They already have io.
We just need a sponsor organization and some 200 000 USD for the evaluation fee.
I know you want (though underscore is not an allowed character in home name).
(thanks for Petri for the orignal idea)
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py has already been taken –
I should have performed due dilugence check first 🙂
Now we need just to make the governemnt of Paraguya sponsor Python open source projects 🙂
it’s Paraguay, not Paraguya, hehe
Could always go after .pyc or something similar. Hardly as catchy, though.
Bring on the fun if other file extensions like .php or .exe become gTLDs 🙂 will be hilarious !
Would be great, but 2 character ccTLD’s are reserved for countries and other territorial entities (even if these places don’t exist yet). .io is the domain of the British Indian Ocean Territory. Only chance of getting the .js ccTLD is starting a new country: JavaScriptia.
Duco, let’s start a micronation then.
3 Applicants
They can request the delegation of domain names under the domain PY the following:
Individuals currently domiciled or legally residing in the Republic of Paraguay
Public Law or Private People, Businesses and institutions public or private law, established in Paraguay
Public Law or Private People, Businesses and institutions public or private law, established abroad by duly authorized representatives set up in Paraguay ”
We cant apply