AJAX proxy view with Python, urllib and Plone

Old web browsers do not support Allow-acces-origin HTTP header needed to do cross-domain AJAX requests (IE6, IE7).

Below is an example how to work around this for jQuery getJSON() calls by

  • Detecting browsers which do not support this using jQuery.support API
  • Doing an alternative code path through a local website proxy view which uses Python urllib to make server-to-server call and return it as it would be a local call, thus working around cross-domain restriction

This example is for Plone/Grok, but the code is easily port to other Python web frameworks.

Note: This is not a full example code. Basic Python and Javascript skills are needed to interpret and adapt the code for your use case.

Javascript example

 * Call a RESTful service vie AJAX
 * The final URL is constructed by REST function name, based
 * on a base URL from the global settings.
 * If the browser does not support cross domain AJAX calls
 * we'll use a proxy function on the local server. For
 * performance reasons we do this only when absolutely needed.
 * @param {String} functionName REST function name to a call
 * @param {Object} Arguments as a dictionary like object, passed to remote call
function callRESTful(functionName, args, callback) {

    var src = myoptions.restService + "/" +functionName;

    // set to true to do proxied request on every browser
    // useful if you want to use Firebug to debug your server-side proxy view
    var debug = false;

        console.log("Doing remote call to:" + src)

        // We use jQuery API to detect whether a browser supports cross domain AJAX calls
        // http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.support/
        if(!jQuery.support.cors || debug) {
                // http://alexn.org/blog/2011/03/24/cross-domain-requests.html
                // Opera 10 doesn't have this feature, neither do IExplorer < 8, Firefox < 3.5

                console.log("Mangling getJSON to go through a local proxy")

                // Change getJSON to go to our proxy view on a local server
                // and pass the orignal URL as a parameter
                // The proxy view location is given as a global JS variable
                args.url = src;
                src = myoptions.portalUrl + "/@@proxy";

        // Load data from the server
        $.getJSON(src, args, function(data) {
                // Parse incoming data and construct Table rows according to it
                console.log("Data succesfully loaded");
                callback(data, args);



The server-side view:

import socket
import urllib
import urllib2
from urllib2 import HTTPError

from five import grok
from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import ISiteRoot
from mysite.app import options

class Proxy(grok.CodeView):
    Pass a AJAX call to a remote server. This view is mainly indended to be used
    with jQuery.getJSON() requests.

    This will work around problems when a browser does not support Allow-Access-Origin HTTP header (IE).

    Asssuming only HTTP GET requests are made.s

    # This view is available only at the root of Plone site

    def isAllowed(self, url):
        Check whether we are allowed to call the target URL.

        This prevents using your service as an malicious proxy
        (to call any internet service).

        allowed_prefix = options.REST_SERVICE_URL

        if url.startswith(allowed_prefix):
            return True

        return False

    def render(self):
        Use HTTP GET ``url`` query parameter for the target of the real request.

        # Make sure any theming layer won't think this is HTML
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/477816/the-right-json-content-type
        self.request.response.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json")

        url = self.request.get("url", None)
        if not url:
            self.request.response.setStatus(500, "url parameter missing")

        if not self.isAllowed(url):
            # The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeate
            self.request.response.setStatus(403, "proxying to the target URL not allowed")

        # Pass other HTTP GET query parameters direclty to the target server
        params = {}
        for key, value in self.request.form.items():
            if key != "url":
                params[key] = value

        # http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml
        data = urllib.urlencode(params)

        full_url = url + "?" + data
        req = urllib2.Request(full_url)


            # Important or if the remote server is slow
            # all our web server threads get stuck here
            # But this is UGLY as Python does not provide per-thread
            # or per-socket timeouts thru urllib
            orignal_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()

                response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
                # restore orignal timeoout

            # XXX: How to stream respone through Zope
            # AFAIK - we cannot do it currently

            return response.read()

        except HTTPError, e:
            # Have something more useful to log output as plain urllib exception
            # using Python logging interface
            # http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html
            logger.error("Server did not return HTTP 200 when calling remote proxy URL:" + url)
            for key, value in params.items():
                logger.error(key + ": "  + value)

            # Print the server-side stack trace / error page

            raise e

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One thought on “AJAX proxy view with Python, urllib and Plone

  1. Thank you!
    The sockettimeout was the answer to a problem I was not able to solve on python2.4 & Plone3.
    I agree that’s not the perfect solution, but it works!

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