Another example to manipulate Products.Carousel. This script will update all carousel settings on the site to have new image width..
class SetCarouselWidths(BrowserView): """ Set width to all carousels on the site. """ def __call__(self): """ """ self.buffer = StringIO() print >> self.buffer, "Log output" brains = self.context.portal_catalog(portal_type="Folder") for b in brains: obj = b.getObject() if "carousel" in obj.objectIds(): carousel = obj["carousel"] # Carousel installed on this folder settings = ICarouselSettings(carousel) print >> self.buffer, "Setting width for " + carousel.absolute_url() settings.width = 680 print >> self.buffer, "All carousels updated" return self.buffer.getvalue()
<browser:page for="*" name="set_carousel_widths" permission="cmf.ManagePortal" class=".carousel.SetCarouselWidths" />
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