If you are using Cufon library to render fancy fonts on your website be noted that the old versions are not compatible with Internet Explorer 9.
There is a new release available fixing the problem. Also you can just use IE8 compatible render more for IE9,
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put this in head tag
Hello Ahmned:
I am not a professinal at this, so I aplogize for my ignorance. I built my own website, and it all looked great until I saw it all messedup on IE9. Very upsetting. Why can’t MS just leave well enough alone? Anyway, I don’t understand where is the “head tag” – is it in my JS files or the CSS files?
Thank you for takimng the time to answer this.
tag ?
Mikko, can you please explain? I don’t understand “tag”
aha. Looks like comment lost its content. Let me try again.
<head> <– HTML <head> tag
Thank you Mikko. Where do I find this, in the JS files or the CSS files or every page of html?
Start from checking your HTML files.
Just use this
Cufon.set(‘engine’, ‘canvas’);
There is also an alternative fix in case somebody does not want to update to the latest cufon-yui.js file. We just need to call Cufon.set(‘engine’, ‘canvas’); before the Cufon.replace() calls. We can wrap it within the IE9 conditional statements to ensure that its understood by only IE9.