With Google App Engine, you do not need to provide your own registration and authentication mechanism. Google App Engine supports out of the box
- Google Accounts
- OpenId
Creating admin only views was dumb easy. For the basic use case, you don’t even need to touch your Python code.
- All Google App Engine authentication URLs are provided in /_ah URI space
- Google App Engine maps URLs to Python scripts using app.yaml file
- In this file you can specify that the URL requires App Engine application administrator login
- When accessing such an URL App Engine will present the user a login page with auto-redirect to the page the user was going if the login is succesful
- You can add Google accounts to admins in App Engine control panel
- On the local development server you are simply presented a dummy login page where you can choose if you are logged out or not
- To logout, just visit URL http://localhost:8080/_ah/login?action=Logout
Example app.yaml:
application: lol-apua version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /media static_dir: media - url: /edit-settings script: main.py login: admin - url: /.* script: main.py
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