Monkey patching is a technique to modify module functions or class methods in Python and other dynamic languages run-time. It differs from the traditional source code patching that it does not need separate utility or compilation process to become effective. This means that you can deploy patches to codebase not under your control with your application without extra effort. Monkey patching has been made famous by Plone/Zope community where there is even collective.monkeypatcher add-on for managed monkey patching.
Because monkey patches do not need a compilation stage, the patch will work with the future versions of the application, assuming the patched function or method is not changed. So you can “safely” update the patched software and the patch will apply to the new version without need to go to command-line to perform some cumbersome commands. However, it is the best practice of open source community to report the bugs and submit the fixing patches, as source code patch, in the corresponding issue trackers.
In Django context, you can use monkey patching to
- Fix bugs or modify features of Django core without touching the source code
- Fix bugs or modify features of Django plug-ins (TinyMCE, filebrowser, Django CMS) without touching the source code
Patches are usually applied when Python does module imports. You have a special module called “” and when that is imported, it applies the patches when the module body level code runs. However, it is difficult to find stable import point in Django to run monkey patching. Django does some really evil magic to initialize INSTALLED_APPS, database models and stuff and doing any kind of work during import causes headache.
So I figured out that you can apply monkey patches using middleware. Middleware applies the monkey patch when the first HTTP request hits the process (note that if you run preforked web server like FCGI every process has its own run-time code in memory). This technique, of course, cannot be used to monkey-patch things that happen before middleware processing, but it is not often needed.
Below is an example how to monkey-patch Django CMS to normalize its unicode output. There was an issue with unicode characters and this is a stop-gap measure to fix it. (I think the proper fix would be fix related Cufon font renderin Javascript library).
We add our monkey patcher to loaded middleware in
The actual monkey patching happens by fiddling with the class code in process_request(). Note that in this particular case we only need to transform the output of the original function, we can simply hold a reference into it, call it and perform our transformation on the result. This way our monkey patch do not hinder the orignal function and is update safe (it does not matter if the code of PlaceholderNode.render method changes).
import unicodedata
# Orignal function we monkey-patched away
_orignal_render = None
def _patched_render(self, context):
""" Normalize all unicode output of Placeholder nodes in Django templates """
content = _orignal_render(self, context)
return unicodedata.normalize("NFC", content)
class FixCufonUnicodeNormalization(object):
""" Fix issue with Cufon, user-generated HTML and unicode decomposed characters.
def process_request(self, request):
""" Install monkey-patch on demand.
If monkey-patch has not been run in for this process (assuming multiple preforked processes),
then do it now.
from cms.templatetags.cms_tags import PlaceholderNode
global _orignal_render, _patched_render
if not _orignal_render:
# replace one of the class's method with own fixed version
_orignal_render = PlaceholderNode.render
PlaceholderNode.render = _patched_render
As far as I know, monkey patching is something PHP cannot do 🙂
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