Our company does business with multiple CMS systems, like Joomla, Plone and Drupal. They all have their advantages, they all have their disadvantages. We do not want to make CMS a religion. It’s a tool. You can argue with the client which tool is a right job for a task. Joomla is lightweight solution for non-critical systems, Plone is good with lots of content, editors and workflows flying around. etc. etc.
I had this curious piece on conversation on #joomla channel on freenode. Though it is an individual case, I hope it will bring some light to the fact how people perceive Plone outside Plone community and what Plone should to do fix it.
I think it would be beneficial for Plone to finally close mailman for the site administration / user support and move to real web forums / Google Groups / whatever which would be usable.
Also, there is an example how unprofessionalism is not good for the community.
[20:23:29] x: Biggest problem so far is finding competent ("I will deliver on this schedule) joomla consulting experts. Second biggest problem is security, our site has been hacked 3 times in the past 6 months [20:25:18] me: have you considered any alternative CMS with better security track record? [20:25:50] x: moo: we moved from Plone to Joomla. 3 years on Plone with no hacks. [20:26:04] x: Problem with plone is no forums with email support [20:26:21] me: you pay for support [20:26:30] z: did you do basic joomla security guidelines? [20:26:39] me: also check http://plone.org/support [20:26:40] Title: Support options for Plone — Plone CMS: Open Source Content Management (at plone.org) [20:26:51] x: moo: I'm fine with paying for support. We're paying SiteGround $200-$300/month on average when you add the support costs. [20:26:58] z: ie using a key to access admin, changing default sql prefix [20:27:01] AngryPerson: who cares about plone [20:27:10] AngryPerson: its an ancient cms thats clearly past its time [20:27:20] AngryPerson: its only privately supported with little community support [20:28:34] AngryPerson: Moo^_^: why are you even in here? [20:28:40] AngryPerson: you just want to piss on joomla? [20:28:43] me: we do business on drupal, joomla and plone [20:28:48] me: different tool for different job [20:28:51] -*- y shrugs [20:29:01] AngryPerson: just seems to me like you want to push ppl away from joomla [20:29:11] x: z: After 6 months I'm still a Joomla noob. I need a consulting services company that will do the security patching, maintenance, service on the site, and host it. [20:29:25] me: not true [20:29:36] AngryPerson: Moo^_^: well regardless of what you say, tahts how it seems to me [20:29:54] z: actually I've had good luck just following a few blog posts [20:30:10] me: I don't defend myself, as I don't want to engage such a conversation with you [20:30:22] AngryPerson: thats good, why dont you fuck off too [20:30:22] <-* jools has kicked y from #joomla (Please watch your language) [20:30:22] --> y (dgdf@unaffiliated/anti-mttr/x-9384728) has joined #joomla [20:30:27] z: nothing is impervious, but you drastically reduce your attractiveness to hackers by a few simple steps [20:30:32] AngryPerson: stop giving ppl your shitty advice
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