Putting views, like sitemap, into Plone content tree using Easy Template add-on

Plone has two kind of pages

  • Content pages which have a path and will appear in the navigation and in the sitemap. These are stored in the database.
  • View based pages and template based pages which usually present an action  (accessibility, sitemap, contact info form). They do not appear in the navigation. They are stored as source code on the file system. You cannot navigate to view based pages and just click edit. To change them you need to use various customization methods (add-on product, Zope management interface) to modify the code.

Sometimes it is desirable, for the sake of uniformness, to put view based pages (accessibility, sitemap) into the content tree. For example, one could want to have the sitemap link appearing only in the navigation tree under the site section “About this site”.

Plone add-on product Easy Template provides an easy method to show any Plone view(s) on a normal page. Easy Template uses Django like template syntax (Jinja 2 engine). It gives you great power to drop dynamic content easily on pages. Easy Template also has some security awarness ensuring the members using it cannot escape from their sandbox.

Easy Template works in WYSIWYG and non-WYSIWYG modes

  • You can directly mix templates into text in Visual Editor (Kupu). This is mostly useful for non-HTML aware content editors, who use WYSIWYG editor and can use snippets from a reference card prepared by a developer. Note: Visual Editor has some limitations or undesired behavior. Sometimes it tries to put arbitary HTML tags into text (  which breaks the template code).
  • You can write templatized HTML source code in “raw” mode. You can write source code on “Template” schemata in Edit view.

1. Example how to show a sitemap on an arbitary Plone page

  1. Install Easy Template (if you are a developer I suggest you to try trunk version)
  2. Create a Templated document content
  3. Write some arbitary text in Kupu
  4. Put in the code snippet {{ view(“sitemap”, “createSiteMap”) }} which triggers the sitemap view rendering
  5. Save and view the document in View mode

Picture 1

It turns out to be:

Picture 3

There is no such thing as a “views reference” for Plone. View names and functions can be figured out by searching and reading through ZCML and Python files in Plone source tree. Some developer insight is needed. For example. for sitemap we can do the grep search:

grep -Ri --include="*.zcml" sitemap *

Then read Products/CMFPlone/browser/configure.zcml and Products/CMFPlone/browser/sitemap.py.

The same thing works in portlets. Use Templated Portlet portlet type. See Easy Template PyPi homepage for the full reference of the product’s potential.

About the author Mikko Ohtamaa

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